EOTC programmes provide students with access to hands-on experiences that are not available inside the classroom. They offer unique and stimulating learning opportunities that support your child’s learning and achievement.
These programmes are aligned with the National Curriculum.
2024: The visit to Putiki Church this term supported the children's learning about Whanganui kowhaiwhai. The children heard local stories, viewed and created kowhaiwhai patterns. A big thank you to our whānau for supporting the children on the day. Our children are continuing to work on their own kowhaiwhai back at school and their kowhaiwhai will be painted on murals to be displayed on the external walls.
2024 - Respect Leaders will be contributing community service at Bushy Park / Tarapuruhi
2024 Museum Trip: All classes visited the Whanganui Regional Museum. This was to support their learning about Whanganui kowhaiwhai. Students were involved in workshops hearing local stories and learning to draw kowhaiwhai.
2023 School Camp - He Waka Eke Noa - Mangatepopo Camp
Year 5 and 6 students returned home tired but happy after 3 days at Mangatepopo School Camp. Students visited Waiouru Army Museum and the Tongariro National Trout Centre. They experienced hiking for 3 hours in the Tongariro National Park, helping out with peeling vegetables, and even toasted marshmallows. A relaxing time was enjoyed at Tokaanu Hot Pools. Students and teachers have returned with a kete full of information about connections to our maunga, awa and waka! Ka pai koutou and a huge thanks to all whānau for supporting camp for 2023.