Whanganui East School opened in 1904.  We are a contributing kura from Year 1 to 6.  Whanganui East School is situated within the rohe (area) of Tōtara Puku (Whanganui East) of the iwi Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi.  Our kura follows the tikanga (cultural practices and expectations) of Whanganuitanga (Te Mana me te Tino Rangatiratanga of Whanganui Iwi)


Ngā Moemoea | Our Vision


Our kura vision is encapsulated in the whakatauki ‘He Waka Eke Noa’. (We are all in this together) This reflects our belief in Kotahitanga where respectful relationships are forged through open conversation and shared thinking amongst our kura community.  The Board of Trustees | Presiding members of our Board, kura leaders, and staff work alongside our whānau and iwi (Tōtara Puku, Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi). to foster respectful productive partnerships for learning for all.  We draw on our community resources and initiatives to enhance learning opportunities and care for our ākonga wellbeing.  In all our mahi including teaching, learning, care, and review of all our operations we are actively committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi Principles of Partnership, Protection, and Participation.


‘He Waka Eke Noa’ affirms our connectedness with each other, to our shared vision and aspirations, and our belonging. Together we witness success, together we share in the challenges we face, together we care for each other.


Whanganui East School Curriculum Gateway/Te Waharoa Marau Mātauranga o te kura o Tōtara Puku

Our Waharoa/Gateway symbolises our local curriculum for our community including our hopes, expectations, aspirations, and shared priorities in how we nuture each whānau on entry, throughout their time at kura and at graduation.  Our whare was defined and developed over the years as we connected through different Kaupapa and events.  Focused and shared discussions by whānau led the way to framing what we do, how we do things and why we do these things for the success of our akonga and whānau.

Our Wharoa is held up strongly with Pou (pillars).  These represent Ako (Reciprocal Learning) and Hauora (Total Wellbeing).  The Maihi (cross Brace) represents Kotahitanga (Unity and Solidarity in Collective Action) and gives strength to the Ako and Hauora pou.  The Strength of the Maihi hold fast with our kuras guiding principles which include partnership, including the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  The Maihi also holds fast to expectations from our akonga.  Within our Waharoa holds up our key values of respect to oneself and others and te taiao/the environment.

Whanganui East Schools’ values to Respect others, Respect Oneself and to Respect the Environment have been identified through consultation with whānau, students and staff.  Our values reinforce our commitment to Hauora and Te Tiriti o Waitangi principle of Protection.

Whanganui East School Local Curriculum Priorities

·         To have a clear pathway for all students to be secure in their Identity.

·         To make connections between Identity and Relationships.

·         To understand and be able to articulate what Māori achieving success as Māori means.

·         To have clear principles as a school to follow to ensure that our curriculum is Culturally Responsive.


Whanganui East School have seven guiding principles framed by our Cultural Responsiveness Whare:

             We have a notion of who they are.  Kids get it that we get them.

             The way we talk and interact with students.  Kids get it that we like them.

             What is seen visually reflects individuals within the classroom and across the school.  School looks like me.

             Catching kids being learners and having belief in their ability.

             Deliberate differentiation of learning.  Singing harmony to our kids’ songs.

             Student Centred Learning.  Mixing it up in the classroom.

             Respect begins with the teacher.  We show it and kids give it back.

The school’s localised curriculum, expresses the aspirations of all stakeholders and supports culturally located, connected learning experiences designed to promote ako, kotahitanga and hauora for learners, whānau and the community

Reciprocal learning partnerships between the school, parents, whānau and iwi values their collective funds of knowledge in delivery of the school curriculum.


School staff consists of the Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal,and  10 fulltime teachers, 2 part time teachers, Office Administrator,  Property Manager and 9 Targeted Learning support staff.


We maintain positive staff morale and a climate of professional congeniality.  We ensure staff have appropriate Professional Development to support growth of practice.


The school operates 10 classrooms, a well resourced up to date library, 2 adventure playgrounds, a purpose built sandpit and well maintained grounds.

2024 Strategic/Annual Plan

2024 Strategic Annual Plan.pdf

2023 Charter

Copy of WES Charter 2023 2025.pdf

Annual Report